Tag Archives: imagination

Two sets of keys for crisis communications

Bill SalvinFellow blogger and crisis manager, Bill Salvin, recently posted on three keys for crisis communications in the digital age.  The keys he shares are honesty, speed and images.

Here are excerpts from each key:

Honesty:  Let everyone on your team know that your integrity is the most valuable commodity you have in a crisis and it must not be compromised.

Speed:  The dynamics of a crisis can change based on external events. Once identified, empower your team to make the tactical decisions required to communicate events as they unfold.

Images:  People believe what they see over what they hear. You can have great talking points and a great spokesperson destroyed because the words are out of sync with the images coming from the scene.

Continue reading Two sets of keys for crisis communications

Where were the paid pessimists?

About a decade ago, I stopped getting invites to brand marketing and promotions brainstorms.  I suppose there’s concern that I’ll dump a bucket of cold water over any creative idea before it’s fully blossomed when that germ of an idea could lead to reputation damage for a client.  

“There’s no such thing as a bad idea in a branstorm,” the old saw goes.  Okay.  But what of the bad ideas that come out of a brainstorm?  A recent example:  

Source: AFP

Parachuting donkey advertisers face jail 

   Continue reading Where were the paid pessimists?

“Ask the Crisis Manager” Vol. 1, No. 1: Clear steps, disaster communications and social media in a crisis

I received a terrific first wave of questions for this feature — thanks to all for participating!  To maintain my post-brevity rule, I’ll post three answers at a time and queue up other questions in future editions.

Keep those questions coming by posting here, or through Twitter

Onward — to your questions….

Continue reading “Ask the Crisis Manager” Vol. 1, No. 1: Clear steps, disaster communications and social media in a crisis